Google Data Studio : Powerful and easy data visualization

Overview Google Data Studio is a tool engineers and analysts can use to visualize and present data. It is the equivalent of using Excel or Google Sheets to generate graphs and plots but for data in different data stores (eg. Google BigQuery). I became acquainted with Data Studio through work. I had a large dataset and results from a very large processing job that I wanted to turn into a report.

Dollar Cost Averaging Bitcoin

Overview Bitcoin Prices 2020 The price of Bitcoin is encroaching upon it’s all time high of 20000 USD. In the last month, it has increased by 33%! I was curious to see how much you could have made by dollar cost averaging bitcoin. Luckily, with a little help from Yahoo Finance and Pandas this is easily done. How? Yahoo Finance has a webpage exposing historical data for Bitcoin and other currencies.

Jewels of the Oracle : Installation

Jewels of the Oracle 1995 One of the games my parents used to play in the 1990s was Jewels of the Oracle. It is a puzzle game set in ancient Mesopotamia consisting of 24 puzzles. They range from logical, geometric and lingustic puzzles. My mother was really interested in playing it again. The game came out in 1995, so playing it on modern hardware is difficult. We searched for various methods that were dead ends.

Using regex to find a path between two nodes in a graph

Overview Regular expressions (regex) are a fun topic in computer science. I love revisiting the fundamentals every so often, so I read recently. It is a great practical primer on regex. I’d recommend it to beginners and advanced engineers alike. Backreferences One of the most powerful regex techniques are backreferences . They allow you to match text that was previously matched by a capture group. You refer to previous groups using their index.


TL:DR pip install aws-manifest / I recently needed to retrieve a list of all Amazon Web Services (AWS) services, and actions that could be called on them. I wanted to answer questions such as “What are all of the api actions that can be done for ec2?”. There is no API for doing so from AWS, so I started looking for other options. Some projects scrape the AWS documentation and extract the data from the markup.